Available Technology and Equipment (Howell Campus)


Media Lab in the Chrysler Building, Room 101:

  • 9 computers - a printer 
  • a recording booth w/computer with the only Apple OS available on campus. Recording booth has a microphone and web cam.
  • TV with a mini-Apple connected. Mouse and keyboard are plugged in to the mini-Apple.

Library in Chrysler Building, Room 209:

  • 3 computers
  • printer (must use flash drive and plug into the printer)
  • TV attached to computer for group use

The Veterans Resource Center is located in Room 214 in the Chrysler building. It has two computers available. There is a TV with a smart stick, so this population can watch television. The Veterans Resource Center is kept locked. However, our veterans should already have their access code. If they forgot it, they will need to contact Joanna Olejniczak-Caushaj (jOlejniczak@cleary.edu) (campus extension 1154) for that information.

Private study rooms are available in the dorms - even for students who do not live on campus. It is best to email Zak zpayne@cleary.edu, the dorm advisor so that he knows the student will be coming. He will make sure the student(s) can get into the rooms.

  • Last Updated Dec 07, 2022
  • Views 57
  • Answered By Cleary Librarian

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